May 2024 Student Course

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We’re thrilled to share the highlights of our recent gliding camp in Hope, BC, which took place from May 6th to May 11th. The camp was organized by Andrew Nicholson, and assisted by the capable hands of David Pearson and Daan Wynberg, our camp was an exhilarating journey into the world of soaring.

Andrew Nicholson teaching ground school material to students

Weather Challenges Turned Learning Opportunities:

The first two days greeted us with rain and low ceiling clouds, which made flying conditions less than ideal. However, our dedicated instructors turned this setback into an opportunity for intensive ground school sessions. While the skies cleared in the afternoons, allowing for some breathtaking gliding experiences, the mornings were dedicated to essential theoretical knowledge, ensuring our participants were well-prepared for practical flying.

Amir and Daan flying VSA

Spectacular Soaring Sessions:

As the weather improved, so did our soaring adventures. Students and seasoned pilots alike took to the skies, reveling in hours of gliding bliss. Notable among these experiences was the awe-inspiring three-hour cross-country flight undertaken by Amir Alimohammadifar and Daan Wynberg. Exploring the area, mastering various soaring conditions, and meticulously planning their flight paths, their journey was a testament to skill and determination.

Daan and Amir ridge flying in the Bowl

Milestones and Achievements:

Dan, who had soloed just a week before the camp, continued his learning journey with newfound confidence. Meanwhile, amidst favorable weather conditions, Amir celebrated his solo flight, marking a significant milestone in his gliding endeavors.

Andrew and Daan after Amir’s first solo flight

Dan and Kevin soaking Amir after his first solo flight

Mastering the Skies:

The fourth day of the camp brought optimal conditions, with strong thermals propelling both licensed pilots and students to dizzying altitudes exceeding 8,000 feet. This presented an ideal opportunity for our students to challenge their skills in navigating thermals, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle diverse flying conditions.

Andrew and Amir thermalling with VSL above 6000 ft

Dan waiting in VSA to soar the skies over Hope

Safety First, Always:

Throughout the camp, our focus remained on safety. Comprehensive courses covered essential topics, including pre-flight checks, radio communications, and managing challenging situations such as rope brakes and wind gradients. The goal of the course  was simple: to empower the students with the knowledge and skills needed to fly safely in any scenario, ensuring both glider and pilot return to the ground safe and sound.

Movie night:

A special movie night was organized by Daan, adding an extra layer of excitement to our gliding camp experience. Participants gathered eagerly to watch the exhilarating “Gladiators of the Skies”, immersing themselves in the thrilling world of competitive gliding.

Movie night

In conclusion, our gliding camp in Hope, BC, was a resounding success, filled with unforgettable experiences, valuable lessons, and soaring achievements. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants, instructors, and supporters who made this event possible. Until next time, keep your eyes on the skies and the wind beneath your wings!

Happy Gliding!